
На ґрунті аналізу теоретичного та прикладного досвіду формування та розвитку встановлення результативності функціонування аналітичних центрів та визначення їхньої ефективності за допомогою щорічного Міжнародного рейтингу Пенсільванського університету професора Дж.МакГана, встановлено основну стратегічну ціль рейтингової моделі та окреслено значення деяких індексів рейтингу для формування іміджу аналітичного центру. Guided by the results on the theoretic and practical experience of the formation, development and determination of the analytical centers functioning effectiveness, as well as, their effectiveness evaluation by means of the Global Go To Think Tanks Index Reports by James McGann, there has been determinated the main strategical aim for the index model and described the meaning of some rating indexes for analytic center public image. International analytic centers index rating is one of the tools for the analytic centers activities and influence evaluation that together with other mechanisms are used for the determination and research on the organizations that are doing the investigations about the state policy problems. Within the help of ratings there are determinations formed, as well as, signals given about the samples of the desired organizational structure models. Rating methodology is based on the several hundreds experts opinion poll from many countries of the world. According to the mentioned above criteria and evaluation marks of the experts, there is a final rating produced for the expert analytical centers of all over the world. One the of the most famous analytic centers rates is the Joseph H. Lauder Institute in the USA one, so, in on order to create such a rating, there is a need for the analytic centers marking indexes, from geographical replacement to the analytical product subject matter. They are formed by means of the so called “indicators”, in other words, recourses, number of the scientific production and influence as well. Unlike the realias that existed about 10 years ago, one of the main tasks of the analytic centers in the modern world is the distribution of the ready production and information on the provided researches. The index system of the annual rating report of the «Тhe Global Go To Think Tanks Index Reports by James McGann» is developed as catalyst for the discussion about the efficient way of the analytic centers influence. The current rating is made, first of all, for the comparison of the analytic centers place index-rating categories with another organizations and carrying out the new possibilities for taking them to those categories, where they are not present at the present time.

Authors and Affiliations

Nina Rzhevska


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Nina Rzhevska (2016). РЕЙТИНГОВА МОДЕЛЬ ЯК ФОРМА ОЦІНКИ АНАЛІТИЧНИХ ЦЕНТРІВ: ПРО ДЕЯКІ ІНДЕКСИ РЕЙТИНГУ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(17), 250-258. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-430085