Rejestracja stanu cywilnego w zaborze austriackim


Marital status registration in the Austrian Partition had a denominational character, in which there was a strong relation between carring out the religious ceremony and the registration, vital records books were carried out by the churchmen. In Austria up to the year 1848 predominated absolutistic system, that acknowledged the will of monarch as the only source of law as well as postulated a far-reaching interference of the state in the life of citizens, what is followed by total subordination of the church towards the state. In the area of registration the state regulations were were binding before other laws, only on the basis of these regulations the vital records carried out by catholical churchmen, later also by the entitled from other confessions. Vital records had a character of public documents. In Austria there was no transformation of the confessional registration system into secular one, but the registration was left within the competences of the confessions acknowledged by the state, under its control.

Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Dyjakowska


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How To Cite

Marzena Dyjakowska (2014). Rejestracja stanu cywilnego w zaborze austriackim. Metryka. Studia z zakresu prawa osobowego i rejestracji stanu cywilnego, 0(1), 15-32.