Rekomendowane style zarządzania w warunkach ponowoczesności

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Ekonomia i Zarządzanie - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 1


The article presents the essence of modern management styles in the context of the style preferred by employees, manifesting itself in the desired actions and behaviors superior. In the post-modernity centered on human capital, globalization and technological progress, the success of the organization depends on the cooperation of the team, energized into action by an effective manager. It's his way of managing and methods determine the level of achievement of ob-jectives of individual and team. Literature studies and empirical out-line the expected style of management through the prism of the atti-tude of the manager.article aims to analyze the educational grants from budget of local government. Author presented procedures about establish private schools and educational institutions and explained selected concepts about units of education. The article presents selected judgment from SN and NSA in disputes about grants for private schools.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Powlewska


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  • EP ID EP199195
  • DOI 10.21784
  • Views 39
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How To Cite

Ewa Powlewska (2016). Rekomendowane style zarządzania w warunkach ponowoczesności. Zeszyty Naukowe Ekonomia i Zarządzanie, 0(1), 103-117.