Rekonfiguracje i dezorientacja. Pole sztuk plastycznych w Polsce 1989-2015

Journal Title: Sztuka i Dokumentacja - Year 2015, Vol 13, Issue 13


Transformations in Polish art after 1989: Reconfiguration and bewilderment. The field of art in Poland 1989 – 2015 Reconfigurations and bewilderment in the field of art during the time of social, political and economical transformation are the main topics of Możdżyński’s text. The author uses the categories of Pierre Bourdieu: the field of art, struggle and competition of agents. He explores the dimensions of bewilderment and writes about deregulation of the art world, the marginalisation of fine arts academies, struggles in the field of visual arts and the conflicts between artists and society in contemporary Poland. In the last part of the article, the author tries to examine the contemporary art field in Poland through the perspective of Jean Baurdillard’s book The conspiracy of art.

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How To Cite

Paweł MOŻDŻYŃSKI (2015). Rekonfiguracje i dezorientacja. Pole sztuk plastycznych w Polsce 1989-2015. Sztuka i Dokumentacja, 13(13), -.