Rekonstrukcja tkanki chrzęstnej biomateriałami polimerowymi – wczesne wyniki makroskopowe i histologiczne
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 7
Introduction: The surgical treatment of large cartilage defects in the region of head and neck is often impossible because of the atrophy of surrounding tissues and lack of suitable material for reconstruction. In the surgical treatment many of methods and reconstructive materials have been used. For many years the suitable synthetic material for the cartilage defects reconstruction has been searched for. The aim of the study: was to evaluate two different biomaterials with proper mechanical and biological features for the cartilage replacement. Material and methods: Two type of biomaterials in this study were used: resorbable polymer - poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) acting as a supportive matrix. A thin layer of sodium hyaluronate (Hyal) was also deposited on the surface as well in the pore walls of PLG scaffolds in order to provide biologically active molecules promoting differentiation and regeneration of the tissue. The studies were performed on the 50 animals – rabbits divided into 2 groups. The animals were operated in the general anaesthesia. The incision was done along the edge of the rabbit’s auricle. Perichondrium and cartilage of the auricle on the surface 4 x 3 cm were prepared. Subperichondrically 1 x 1 cm fragment of the cartilage was removed by the scissors. This fragment was then replaced by the biomaterials: PLG in fi rst group of 25 rabbits and PLG-Hyal in second group 25 rabbits. The tissues were sutured with polyglycolide Safi l® 3-0. The animals obtained Enrofl oxacin ® for three days after the operation. Then 1, 4 and 12 weeks after the surgery the animals were painlessly euthanized by an overdose of Morbital ®. Implants and surrounding tissues were excised and observed macroscopically and using an optical microscope. Results: In all the observation periods we observed proper macroscopic healing process of biomaterials. We didn’t stated strong infl ammatory process and necrosis around the implanted biomaterials. Conclusions: The histological and macroscopic examinations indicated that both materials developed in this study have properties similar to cartilaginous tissue and seem to be good for her restoration. Although the quickest tissue regeneration was found after implantation of PLG-Hyal.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Ścierski, Aleksandra Polok, Grzegorz Namysłowski, Jerzy Nożyński, Lucyna Turecka, Natalia Urbaniec, Elżbieta Pamuła
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