Рекреационное скалолазание как метод повышения функционального состояния студентов
Journal Title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 3
The effects of recreational climbing on the functional status of students. The article shows the influence of recreational climbing techniques on the physical and functional condition of students engaged in extreme sports. The study was attended by 30 students. It was found that to improve the functional status of students, which shows the level of health, you must use the technique of recreational climbing. It was determined that the students of the experimental group improved performance features.
Authors and Affiliations
Е. А. Репко, Ж. Л. Козина, В. Р. Лещенко, И. В. Гребнева, Ю. А. Новиков
Інноваційні методи фізичної реабілітації при лікуванні пресбіопії
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