Relacje Unii Europejskiej z państwami Bałkanów Zachodnich
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2012, Vol 2012, Issue 3
European countries have gone a long and turbulent way to build their sover¬eignty. A special area in Europe that still does not possess precise borderlines between particular counties is the Balkan Peninsula region. Due to historical and geographical reasons and political and cultural factors (ethnic and religious including) this area is named the Balkan Cauldron, powder keg or the most explosive region of Europe. The article features political and economic relations between the European Union and the Western Balkans in the area of region's security and stabilization, as well as EU engagement in civil and military missions. Special attention is drawn to EU integration relations with the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Majchrzak
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