Relations between the European Union and Turkey vs. the Migration Crisis. Machiavellian Plans or a Manifestation of Impotency?

Journal Title: Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue


The article discusses the EU countries’, notably Germany’s, relations with Turkey in the context of the migration crisis and the policy of appeasement that was adopted toward the country on the Bosphorus in the hope for its assistance in stopping the waves of refugees. This complex issue does not seem to attract much interest in Poland but raises a lot of controversy in other countries, particularly in Germany. Chancellor Merkel’s current approach toward Turkey and her reluctance to radically change her stance toward the refugees has already had an adverse effect on Germany’s position domestically and internationally as well as on the perceptions of the European Union worldwide. The idea of making President Erdoğan instrumental in resolving the migration problem is highly contentious and, to say the least, has met with a widely negative reception. In Germany itself, it has exacerbated political conflicts and strengthened extreme right-wing sentiments. What is worse, it is felt that the agreement negotiated with the Turkish leader, giving him a free hand in pursuing his plans, may not result in a viable solution to the migration crisis while at the same time spreading word of EU’s impotency and being likely to have an negative impact on the socio-political situation both in Turkey and in the region.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Załucki


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How To Cite

Krzysztof Załucki (2015). Relations between the European Union and Turkey vs. the Migration Crisis. Machiavellian Plans or a Manifestation of Impotency?. Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne, 10(), 317-329.