Relationship between Arm Muscle Strength, Lemb Muscle Strength, and Eyes-Feet Coordination with Basic Movement Ability of Elementary School Students


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine relationship between arm muscle strength, lemb muscle strength, and eyes- feet coordination with basic movement ability of elementary school students. Materials and Methods: The use of quantitative methods to examine certain populations or samples, generally sampling techniques are random or random, requires research instruments for data collection. The study was conducted in that place because researchers wanted to test the basic movement skills of upper class students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Kota Cirebon. The total of the 6 classes is 62 male students. Test the hypothesis of the relationship level of arm muscle strength, leg muscle strength, and eye-foot coordination together with basic motion ability using multiple correlation coefficients. Results: Based on the analysis, a value coefficient of 20.583 > (2.79) was obtained at a significance level of 5% and = 0.929 > = 0.279, thus it is interpreted that there is a significant relationship between arm muscle strength, leg muscle strength and eye-foot coordination with the basic movement ability of MIN Cirebon City male students. This relationship means that there is a relationship between these variables with basic motion ability. When performing each daily activity the strength of arm muscles, leg muscles, and eye-foot coordination contributes to the results of movement. Conclusions: Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is the contribution was arm muscle strength of 13.39%, leg muscle strength of 15.51%, and eye-foot coordination of 26.38%, and the remaining 44.7% was influenced by other factors that were not studied in this study.

Authors and Affiliations

Dinasti Rahma Karismadarma, Sugiyanto, Febriani Fajar Ekawati, Slamet Riyadi


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  • EP ID EP719320
  • DOI 10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-70
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How To Cite

Dinasti Rahma Karismadarma, Sugiyanto, Febriani Fajar Ekawati, Slamet Riyadi (2023). Relationship between Arm Muscle Strength, Lemb Muscle Strength, and Eyes-Feet Coordination with Basic Movement Ability of Elementary School Students. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 6(07), -.