Relevance Of Max Weber Today

Journal Title: Archives of Business Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3


Max Weber, the greatest social scientist ever, keeps fascinating scholars around the world. His books are continuously republished with new commentaries and the literature on Weber, his life and work, just expands, The genius from Freiburg and Heidelberg mastered everything: politics, economics, history, religion and philosophy of science. Of special relevance to globalisation studies is his theory about the basic difference between the WEST and the EAST - the so-called Weber's thesis about modern capitalism. It summarized lots of his profound inquiries in the world religions, like the religions of India and China, and economic history of Europe and the Middle East. His The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904) is the most discussed booklet in the social sciences, endorsed, rejected and falsified, as well as confirmed. I will show that the focus of his comparative studies, viz modern capitalism, is flawed as well as that his major idea in politics, the type of modern legalrational authority, is more suited for his EAST-WEST civilisation approach, but it needs reformulation.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan-Erik Lane


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  • EP ID EP312285
  • DOI 10.14738/abr.53.2654.
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How To Cite

Jan-Erik Lane (2017). Relevance Of Max Weber Today. Archives of Business Research, 5(3), 1-10.