Reliability Assassment of Selected Fossil Fuel Operated Power Stations in Nigeria


As the gap between supply and demand on electric energy widens in Nigeria, it becomes necessary to assess the performance of fossil fueled generator turbine that dominates the electric power industry. Consequently, this study is to evaluate the historical performance data of four selected powerstations within Nigeria from 2002 to 2014, so as to ascertain if they are supplying electric energy within their installed capacities in line with global best practices. The combined installed capacity of these four selected power plant is 35% of the twenty-one thermal power plants connected to the national power grid. A historical operational data of these selected plants covering a period of thirteen years was obtained and analysed based on power plant performance indices analytical techniques. Results obtained from these analysis shows that, the equivalent availability factor which is accepted as the relative index of equipment reliability in this study, for Afam I-V, Afam VI, Delta and Egbin are 21.89%, 76.15%, 39.14% and 71.75% respectively. The analysis also reveals the Afam VI and Egbin power stations have an effective preventive maintenance programmes that promotes availability of their generatorswhereas, Afam I-V and Delta power stations werealways overwhelmed withcorrective maintenance

Authors and Affiliations

O. M. O.


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How To Cite

O. M. O. (2016). Reliability Assassment of Selected Fossil Fuel Operated Power Stations in Nigeria. International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(11), 4716-4735.