Релігійність населення радянського Закарпаття у контексті аналізу феномену «розколотої світомості»


The article deals with the phenomenon of split consciousness through the prism of the religiosity of the population of Transcarpathia in the period of late socialism (1953-1985). The author comes to the conclusion, that in the coordinate system of Transcarpathian habitants, elements of state ideology and religious outlook are organically combined. Rites of school or other types of Soviet initiation system, allowed everyone to go through the stages of maturing and become a full member of the social team. In turn, church-religious holidays and ceremonies also significantly influenced the formation of people's outlook, as they mastered the scope of home holidays, with what official parades and celebrations could not compete with. Both components coexisted complementing each other and not causing discomfort in the everyday life of the Soviet man of Transcarpathia.

Authors and Affiliations

Павло Леньо


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How To Cite

Павло Леньо (2018). Релігійність населення радянського Закарпаття у контексті аналізу феномену «розколотої світомості». Наукові записки Богословсько-історичного науково-дослідного центру імені архімандрита Василія (Проніна), 5(), 102-109. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-503838