Reoperations in bariatric surgery – indications and initial evaluation of postoperative complicati
Journal Title: Polish Journal of Surgery - Year 2016, Vol 88, Issue 2
Obesity, at present, seems to be a very serious health problem all over the world. The surgery is said to be the most successful treatment of obesity. With the increase in the quantity of conducted bariatric procedures, the number of revision treatments increases as well. The aim of the study was to analyze the indications, results and complications after repeated bariatric surgeries. Material and methods. The repeated bariatric procedures performed in 2009‑2015 have been retrospectively analyzed. The endpoint of the study was the evaluation of early surgical treatment resultsup to 30th day after repeated surgery. Results. Overall, amongs 103 obese patients with a BMI over 35 kg / m2 , qualified for bariatric treatment 7 revision surgeries were conducted (6.8%). Two operations were carried out by laporotomy, other by laparoscopy. In the study group, neither any deaths were noted in perioperative period nor life-threatening complications. The frequency of complications- Surgical site infection and bleeding from the staple lines of stapler in the study group appeared to be 28.6%. Conclusions. Qualification for repeated bariatric surgeries should be based on a thorough analysis of the condition of the patient, previous outcome of the bariatric treatment: evaluation of weight loss as well as possible complications of the original surgery.
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Kuchnika, Łukasz Nawacki, Piotr Bryk, Jarosław Matykiewicz, Iwona Wawrzycka, Dorota Kozieł, Tomasz Rogula, Stanisław Głuszek
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