Repeated prosthetic rehabilitation with custom post and core reconstructions. Case report
Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2016, Vol 66, Issue 1
Modern endodontic and reconstructive techniques enable efficient reconstruction of lost hard tissues in non vital teeth. One of the technique is to reconstruct the abutment tooth with a standard or custom post and core. Clinical study has shown that when tooth has 2-3 mm of ferrule effect, there is similar performance for FRC (fibre reinforced composite) posts and metal dowels. Nevertheless use of standard FRC in inappropriate clinical situation ends with poor effect and undesirable consequences like post or root fracture, therefore loosing the prosthetic crown. There are still clinical situations in which metal alloy’s custom made post and cores, have a meaning in the reconstruction of broken endodontically treated teeth. In this study the authors intend to present some clinical cases in which individual post and core were used as a method for prosthetic reconstruction.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Piosik, Przemysław Gajdus, Anna Sójka, Wiesław Hędzelek
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