Representation of Character Education Values in Nonfiction Stories of National Heroes Biography (A Study of Children’s Literature)
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 7
This study aims at describing, exploring and explaining the value of character education in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography. In particular, this study aims at describing, exploring and explaining the form, content, and function of the character education value in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography. This research is qualitative research with descriptivemethod. This research focuses on the value of character education in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography. The results showed that the character education value in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography is in the form of religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of nationality, love the country, appreciate achievement, communicative, friendly, love peace, love to read, environmental care, education social care, and responsibilities. The contents of thecharacter education value in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography consist of the value of character education against God Almighty, the value of character education to us, the value of character education to fellow man, and the value of character education to the public, group or community. The functions of the character education value in reading nonfiction text of national hero biography consist of religiousfunction, cultural function, educational function, and social function.
Authors and Affiliations
Hasriani Anshari, Andi Sukri Syamsuri, Ramly Hasriani
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