Репродуктивні особливості Gleditsia triacanthos L. та Fraxinus excelsior L. за умов техногенного забруднення (REPRODUCTIVE FEATURES OF GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS L. AND FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR L. IN TERMS OF TECHNOGENIC POLLUTION)
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 1
Among the ecological problems of present time especially important are researches of reaction of vegetable organisms on the toxic action of organic compounds, the source of which are industrial enterprises and especially motorways. It is necessary to have high-quality seeds of local reproduction for the restoration of introducents. Therefore while researching acclimatization of arboreal plants and their adaptation to the unfavorable conditions of environment it is necessary to pay considerable attention to the study of seeds – basic link in the change of generations of introduced plants. It was found out that under the conditions of chronic influence of car emission on phytocenosis tree species (Gleditsia triacanthos L. and Fraxinus excelsior L.) have a decline of morphobiometric indexes of reproductive organs. The analysis of experimental data showed the varying of mass of fruits and seeds of the investigated tree species. The ripe reproductive organs of Gleditsia triacanthos L. had larger mass on a control area. The research of changes of mass of fruits and seeds of Gleditsia triacanthos L. in the process of their forming testifies the decline of these indexes in October among study samples on the average of 1.1–1.5 times. It was discovered that seeds of Gleditsia triacanthos L. from the studied technogenically polluted areas showed lower germinating capacity (54.2–81.7 %) as compared to control group, especially from the monitoring point of В. Khmelnytskyi Avenue. The highest values of these indexes in comparison with other monitoring points are marked on D. Yavornitskyi Avenue. Similar interdependence between changes in seeds and fruits mass and influence of pollutants was observed for the reproductive organs of Fraxinus excelsior L. Thus mass of seeds in October was diminished in relation to control group insignificantly, except samples from В. Khmelnytskyi Avenue – in 1.5 times, and the germinating capacityof study samples was 89.9–97.1 %, that is considerably higher than for Gleditsia triacanthos L. It is found out that the highest values of indexes of quality of ripe reproductive organs are observed for Fraxinus excelsior L. from the village Pershotravenka. Mass of fruits from the trees of polluted areas was insignificantly less than in control. The minimum values of mass of fruits, mass and viability of seed are marked for samples from trees on В. Khmelnytskyi Avenue. Thus, the influence of car emissions on the researched plantations results in the decline of their morphobiometric indexes, which can negatively affect on the reproductive capability of trees. The most sensitive to the influence of toxicants is Gleditsia triacanthos L., it can be used as a test-object in monitoring researches. Встановлено, що в умовах хронічного впливу на фітоценоз викидів автотранспорту у деяких деревних порід (Gleditsia triacanthos L. і Fraxinus excelsior L.) спостерігається зниження морфобіометричних показників генеративних органів. Найбільш чутливим видом до впливу техногенних емісій за такими показниками як маса насіння, плодів і життєздатність репродуктивних органів є Gleditsia triacanthos L., який може використовуватися в якості тест-об'єкта у фітомоніторінгових дослідженнях з метою отримання інформації про адаптивні можливості рослин, що сприяють їх виживанню в несприятливих умовах урбоекосистеми.
Authors and Affiliations
Т. В. Легостаєва, О. О. Берхмілер (Tatjana Legostaeva, O. Berkhmiler)
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