Магнітні властивості донних осадків як критерій оцінки техногенного впливу на гідроекосистеми

Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 1


The existence of anthropogenic objects and phenomena in the biosphere, the analogues of which are not always to be found in nature is a reality nowadays. The instrument, by which humanity influences the processes occurring in the biosphere, is a technological method of production. There are areas where the impact of human activity is extremely high, this suggests complex, anthropogenic and technogenic impact on the environment and a new type of bottom sediments formation – technogenic, that differs significantly from the natural. This technogenic component is included in the total cycles of migration and sedimentation of sedimentary material. The most widespread types of technogenic components of the sediment are fragments of construction materials, slag particles, artificial materials (polymers, glass, rubber), coal, metal particles and spherules. The latter are the most common technogenic component of bottom sediments, easily identified due to its magnetic properties. The sources of the technogenic magnetic spherules are mainly enterprises of metallurgical, coke production and municipal facilities. They are associated with the processes of metalwork and are accumulated in the industrial waste. They are also components of ashes of thermal power plants that use solid fuels (coal, peat), formed during welding work and other industrial processes. A particular place among the regions in which the bottom sediments contain significantly «concentrated» magnetic components are mining regions. In vivo iron minerals can come to hydrosystems from crust of weathering where weakly and non-magnetic minerals dominate. A significant increase of minerals with strong magnetic properties from the horizons below the crust of weathering, or their constant flow to hydrosystem is the sign of technogenic origin, because they can get to the river system only due to the processes of extraction and concentration of iron ore. At the end of 2014 Ukraine took the fifth place in the ranking of fabricators of iron ore mining with the extraction of 82 million tons during 2013 and 2014. The typical place of large-scale iron ore mining belongs to Kryvbas – the largest centre of mining and processing of iron ore in Ukraine. This is the territory, where 2,2–2,8 billion tons of chemically pure iron were extracted from a meridional narrow band, 1,0–3,0 km wide and 100–150 km long during last 125 years. In the sediment of rivers flowing in this area there are always products of technogenic origin: pieces of metallurgical slag, sludge, mine refuses and other wastes. Alluvium river Ingulets in the south of Kryvbas was turned into a greywacke – medium-grained sand, coloured from dark gray to black, consisting of fragments of magnetite quartzite and shale. Unlike particles of hematite quartzite and ironstone coming from the crust of weathering, in these rocks magnetite dominates hematite and goethite and they have distinct magnetic properties. Technologically transformed particles (crushed, concentrated and displaced) ferruginous quartzite are magnetic, thereby magnetic fractions enter up to 57 % sediment of rivers in some areas. The content of magnetic particles reduces only 30–40 km downstream from Kryvbas. Natural systems «weathering crust–river» partially, and sometimes completely replaced by powerful transportation systems of technogenic-altered and technogenic materials, «mine dump–river», «mine refuses–river», «reservoir of sludge–river», «industrial dust–river» and others. Thus, technological mode of production has led to a new type of bottom sediments – technogenic, that differs significantly from the natural. The most ubiquitous components of anthropogenic sediments are fragments of construction materials, slag particles, polymers, glasses, carbon, metal particles and metal spherule. The latter is a common component of the sediments. On the basis of numerous sources of literature was shown that the determination of the magnetic properties is convenient, cheap, quick and informative method of studying of technogenic pollution of river and marine sediments, and it also mirrors the industrial history of the region. В статье представлены результаты исследований содержания магнитных частиц и определения магнитных свойств донных осадков, которые рассматриваются в контексте оценки антропогенно-техногенного загрязнения гидроэкосистем. Украина относится к государствам с наибольшей добычей железной руды, а Криворожский железорудный бассейн – характерный пример длительной и масштабной разработки железорудных месторождений, где на протяжении последних 125 лет было добыто 2,2–2,8 млрд. т химически чистого железа. Длительная и широкомасштабная техногенная деятельность человека в этом регионе резко отразилась на гидросфере: в составе отложений рек, протекающих по данной территории, содержатся частички металлургических шлаков, шламов, хвостов обогащения и других отходов, для которых характерны четко выраженные магнитные свойства. На основании многочисленных литературных данных показано, что определение магнитных свойств является удобным, дешевым, быстрым и информативным методом изучения техногенного загрязнения речных и морских отложений.

Authors and Affiliations

Альохіна Т. М. Alokhina T. M.


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How To Cite

Альохіна Т. М. Alokhina T. M. (2017). Магнітні властивості донних осадків як критерій оцінки техногенного впливу на гідроекосистеми. Питання біоіндикації та екології, 22(1), 110-127. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-303287