Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 1


The usage of the pigment-synthesizing bacteria as bioindicators is a new and promising tendency. Visual observation of the change of the pigment brightness under the influence of heavy metals (HM) and other xenobiotics may serve as objective bioindicator of the environment pollution. Thus, researches of the bacteria that we carried out aroused our interest to the research of the xenobiotics influence on the pigment- synthesizing ability of the yeast. In the literature accessible for us is mentioned only the fact that yeast have the ability to sorb HM, and there is little information about the ability to change the pigment color in HM and other xenobiotics presence in the medium. As is known, exceeding of the phenol and formaldehyde concentrations in nature has an adverse effect on the ecological state of the environment, which may lead to the malfunction of physiological and biochemical processes taking place in living organisms. Phenol is one of the most common contaminants released to surface water from wastewater enterprises. The discharge of phenolic waters in ponds and water courses sharply deteriorate their General sanitary condition that adversely affect in living organisms. Other carcinogenic substance is formaldehyde, which is widely used in production. Its antimicrobial action is due to the fact that it is attached to amino groups of proteins and causes their denaturation. Therefore, the aim of our work was to investigate the effect of phenol and formaldehyde in the synthesis of pigment in microorganisms with a view to their use in bioindication researches. The object of the research was pigment-synthesizing yeast Rhodotorula genus and bacteria Serratia marcescens MP-141. Solid nutrient medium Sabouraud was prepared on the base of the water with certain phenol and formaldehyde concentrations. Nutrient medium Sabouraud without substances was used as a control. When Sabouraud set congeal, 18-days cultures was seeded by solid lawn on it (0,2 ml per one Petri dish). Suspension density was 107/ml. Yeasts incubated in the thermostat under the temperature 27–28 °С. Results were calculated on the 3d days of the cultivation. Visual observation and comparison of the experimental samples with the control was carried out. For the calculation of the color intensity difference between experimental and control samples, the Petri dishes with yeasts colonies were photographed, photos were loaded in the program Adobe Photoshop, indexes of the color model channels (Lab), and then the difference of the pigment color intensity was calculated in the program CIEDE 2000. This article represents data on the influence of phenol and formaldehyde in the synthesis of pigments in the yeast of the genus Rhodotorula, namely Rh. aurantiaca Y-1195, Rh. glutinis Y-1335, Rh. rubra RA-10 and bacteria Ser. marcescens MP- 141.The results of the research showed that the yeast Rhodotorula genus and bacteria Ser. marcescens МР-141 react on certain phenol and formaldehyde concentrations’ presence in the medium by the loss of pigment and by the growth delay. A complete loss of pigment in bacteria Ser. marcescens MP-141, yeast Rh. rubra RA-10, Rh. aurantiaca Y-1195, Rh. glutinis Y- 1335 was observed at concentrations of phenols, 25, 55,5, 25, 66,6 % below those concentrations that completely blocked the growth of microorganisms. The culture of Rh. glutinis Y-1335 was most sensitive to «phenolic» stress and had the highest concentration interval between the pigment loss and growth retardation. Formaldehyde showed a very strong toxic effect on the yeast of the genus Rhodotorula and bacterial cells Ser. marcescens MP-141: growth and pigment formation in cultures wasn’t observed even in сoncentrations that correspond to the maximum allowable concentrations of formaldehyde in water objects drinking and cultural-domestic water use (0,05 mg/dm3).The ability of microorganisms to loss the pigment in different concentrations of phenols can be used in bioindication researches. В работе представлены данные о влиянии фенола и формальдегида на синтез пигментов у дрожжей рода Rhodotorula, а именно: Rh. aurantiaca Y-1195, Rh. glutinis Y- 1335, Rh. rubra RA-10 и бактерий Serratia marcescens МР-141. Полная потеря пигмента у бактерий Ser. marcescens МР-141, дрожжей Rh. rubra RA-10, Rh. aurantiaca Y-1195, Rh. glutinis Y-1335 наблюдалась при концентрациях фенолов, что на 25, 55,5, 25, 66,6 % ниже уровня тех концентраций, которые полностью блокировали рост микроорганизмов. Культура Rh. glutinis Y-1335 оказалась наиболее чувствительной к «фенольному» стрессу и имела наибольший концентрационный интервал между потерей пигмента и задержкой роста. Формальдегид проявил очень сильное токсическое действие на дрожжи рода Rhodotorula и бактериальные клетки Ser. marcescens МР-141: рост и образование пигмента культурами не наблюдались даже при концентрациях, которые соответствуют ПДК формальдегида в водных объектах хозяйственно-питьевого и культурно-бытового водопользования (0,05 мг/дм3). Способность микроорганизмов к потере пигмента при разных концентрациях фенолов может быть использована в биоиндикационных исследованиях.

Authors and Affiliations

Волошина О. М. , Крупєй К. С. Voloshina O. M. , Krupey K. S.


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How To Cite

Волошина О. М. , Крупєй К. С. Voloshina O. M. , Krupey K. S. (2015). ВПЛИВ ФЕНОЛУ ТА ФОРМАЛЬДЕГІДУ НА ПІГМЕНТОСИНТЕЗУВАЛЬНУ ЗДАТНІСТЬ ВОДНИХ МІКРООРГАНІЗМІВ. Питання біоіндикації та екології, 20(1), 166-179. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-320743