Стан підросту і підліску штучного протиерозійного насадження байраку «Військовий» (Північний Степ України)

Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 1


The species composition and qualitative state of undergrowth and underbrush in the artificial anti-erosion plantation of Robinia pseudoacacia (10Рз) in different forest-tree conditions were determined. Formation of the undergrowth and the underbrush was analyzed on three test sites. The first is located in a thalweg and a stream flows through its bottom. The second area is in the middle third of the slope of the northern exposition, and the third is in its upper third. Experimental sites are marked by different composition, age and growth status. The number of undergrowth in thalweg is 720 specimens/ha, on the slope is 1330 specimens / ha, on the upper part – 470 specimens/ha. Undergrowth is represented by plants belonging to 7 species at all experimental sites. In the thalweg and the upper part of the slope, the largest share is the undergrowth of pears. In the middle of the slope oaks and pears prevail. Robinia pseudoacacia takes the third place. The highest amount of the average undergrowth is in the upper part of the slope and in thalweg. In the middle part of the ravine the number of middle and large undergrowth is almost the same. The fewest is the small undergrowth at all experimental areas. The large undergrowth is represented mainly by fruit trees: apple, pear, apricot. A lot of the average undergrowth is represented by mulberry, plum, apricot and pear. The small undergrowth is represented by oak, robinia. Underbrushes are represented by 12 species. The highest amount of species are in thalweg – 11 species, the fewest in the middle part of the slope – 7. The most common are hawthorn and maple. The lowest density of undergrowth and underbrush was found on the upper third of the slope. This is due to small afforestation, thin planting, soil retention by steppe grasses, a large anthropogenic load. The index of the life state of the undergrowth and underbrush on the experimental sites is determined as healthy. Исследовали формирование подроста и подлеска в искусственном насаждении робинии псевдоакации на склоне северной экспозиции балки. Наименьшая густота, как подроста, так и подлеска обнаружена в верхней части склона. Наибольшее количество подроста сформировалась в средней части склона, численность подлеска выше в тальвеге. Подрост представлен 7-ю видами, наибольшую долю от общего числа экземпляров подроста составляет груша обыкновенная. Подрост робинии псевдоакации в однопородном насаждении представлен меньшим количеством особей, что со временем без соответствующих лесохозяйственных мероприятий может привести к сукцессионным изменениям в насаждении. Количество видов в подлеске пробных площадей различается.

Authors and Affiliations

Бессонова В. П. , Пономарьова О. А. Bessonova V. P. , Ponomaryova E. A


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Бессонова В. П. , Пономарьова О. А. Bessonova V. P. , Ponomaryova E. A (2017). Стан підросту і підліску штучного протиерозійного насадження байраку «Військовий» (Північний Степ України). Питання біоіндикації та екології, 22(1), 3-19. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-298962