Детоксикаційна дія гумату натрію на каротинвмісні дріжджі-індикатори в присутності іонів важких металів (DETOXICATION ABILITY OF SODIUMHUMATE ON CAROTIN-CONTAINING YEASTS-INDICATORS IN THE PRESENCE OF IONS OF HEAVY METALS)

Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 1


Bioindication of microorganisms of heavy metals and study of the mechanisms of body detoxification under the influence of metal ions are currently of great interest to scientists. The purpose of the work was to investigate the detoxification potential of humic substances, namely humate sodium, on carotene-containing yeasts that were exposed to heavy metal ions (HM) (Cadmium, Copper, Chromium).The object of the study was culture Rh. aurantiaca Y–1193. Solid nutrient medium Saburound was prepared on the basis of water with a certain content of salts HM (in terms of cation). Salt used in research: Cu(NO3)2, K2Cr2O7, CdCl2. The control of Saburound nutrient medium was without the addition of salts. After settling the medium, a 18-hour collecting culture of yeasts was sown on a solid lawn. The incubation was carried out in a thermostat at the temperature of 27–28° C. On the 3rd day of cultivation the results were recorded. Pigment-synthetic activity was determined visually by comparing test samples with control. To calculate the difference in the intensity of colors between experimental and control samples petri dishes with yeasts colonies were photographed, placed in the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor, determined the indicators of the channels of the color model (Lab), then the CIEDE 2000 program counted the difference in the color intensity of the pigments (dE). dE is counted between the trial and control without humic acids (HA).To prepare a water extract from the peat Vecher’s technique (1967) was used. It was found out that HA, especially Sodium humate, is capable of detoxifying effect on carotensinting yeast Rh. aurantiaca Y–1193 in the presence of ions of Cadmium, Copper, Chromium. With increasing metal concentration, the difference in the intensity of pigment color (dE) between control and experimental samples increased. Concentration of 75 mg/dm3Cu2+ it caused a marked decrease in the intensity of the pigmentation of yeast colonies in samples without HA compared to the samples with the presence of the HA, where the colonies were intensively pigmented (dE equals 9,90 and 6,42 conventional units in accordance). However at concentration of 100 mg/dm3 Cu2+ without HA good growth of well-pigmented colonies was noted, but at the same concentration ions Copper with HA moderate growth of moderately pigmented colonies is registered (dE equals 10,23 and 12,67 conventional units in accordance). Ions Chromium (І hazard class) were more toxic for yeast than ions Copper (ІІ hazard class). At concentration 5–10 mg/dm3 Cr6+ without HA the weak growth of very small and translucent colonies was noted, however with HA at concentration ions Chromium 5 mg/dm3 moderate growth of moderately pigmented colonies was observed, atconcentration 10 mg/dm3 Cr6+ – weak growth of non-pigmented colonies. At concentration 25 mg/dm3 Cd2+ without HA there was a good growth of weakly pigmented colonies, compared with the same concentration Cd2+, but with HA, where the continuous growth of moderately pigmented colonies of yeasts was recorded (dE for samples without/with HA equals 11,77 and 10,77 conventional units in accordance). Ions Cadmium showed the least toxic effect on yeast cells, but it is known, compounds Cadmium, which Chromium (VI) is, belong to І hazard class. It was found out that the culture Rh. aurantiaca Y–1193 that was affected by 250 mg/dm3 Cd2+ it had the ability to regenerate the synthesis of pigments when it was transplanted into a solid nutrient medium Saburound without metal, and when re-returning to a toxic medium with a concentration seriesions Cadmium (with/without HA) in Rh. aurantiaca Y–1193 the threshold of survival was raised. The obtained results obtained lead us to continue research on the identification of possible mechanisms of detoxification action of humic substances, namely Sodium humate, on pigment-synthesizing microorganisms in the presence of heavy metals. Вивчено вплив важких металів І (Купрум) та ІІ (Кадмій, Хром) класу небезпеки на клітини каротиносинтезувальних дріжджів-індикаторів сумісно з гуміновими кислотами в поживному середовищі Сабуро. Виявлено детоксикаційну дію гумату Натрію на життєдіяльність та утворення пігментів дріжджами Rhodotorula aurantiaca Y–1193 в присутності важких металів. За концентрації 5 мг/дм3 Cr6+ без гумінових кислот був відмічений слабкий ріст дуже дрібних та напівпрозорих колоній дріжджів, проте в присутності гуматів за тієї самої концентрації йонів Хрому спостерігався ріст помірно пігментованих колоній Rh. aurantiaca Y–1193. При повторному пересіванні Rh. aurantiaca Y–1193 з відновленим синтезом пігментів на середовище Сабуро з концентраційним рядом йонів Кадмію (в присутності/без гумату Натрію) спостерігали підвищення порогу виживання культури.

Authors and Affiliations

К. С. Крупєй, А. А. Поваляєва Krystina Krupey, Anzhelika Povalyaeva


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  • EP ID EP507978
  • DOI 10.26661/2312-2056/2018-23/1-15
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How To Cite

К. С. Крупєй, А. А. Поваляєва Krystina Krupey, Anzhelika Povalyaeva (2018). Детоксикаційна дія гумату натрію на каротинвмісні дріжджі-індикатори в присутності іонів важких металів (DETOXICATION ABILITY OF SODIUMHUMATE ON CAROTIN-CONTAINING YEASTS-INDICATORS IN THE PRESENCE OF IONS OF HEAVY METALS). Питання біоіндикації та екології, 23(1), 191-203. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-507978