Вплив антропогенного навантаження на екологічний стан річки Конка (Запорізька область)
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 2
The influence of anthropogenic impact on the level of phytotoxicity of the river Konka (Pologovsky district of Zaporizhia region) as an indicator of its ecological condition was studied in the article. The purpose of this work was to assess the impact of anthropogenic impact on the ecological condition of the river Konka according to the microbiological parameters and the level of total toxicity of water through plant test systems. The water, which was selected from four monitoring points along the channel of the river Konka within the limits of village Kinsko-Rhodory with different degrees of anthropogenic loading was analyzed. Meat-peptone agar (MPA) was used to determine the total microbial count (TMC), to identify indicator species − fuchsin-sulfate agar (Endo environment). An increase in the TMC of water along the channel of the river Konka has been established. The number of microorganisms in samples of water in 2.1−3.4 times exceeded the benchmarks. Microscopic studies of marked isolates showed that in well-water asporogenic gram-negative bacteria (94.5 %), represented by p. Pseudomonas, and gram-positive bacteria of p. Streptococcus prevailed. In the river water, the proportion of gram-positive bacteria ranged from 42.28 to 57.17 %. The highest number of non sporous bacteria (67.3 %) was observed in samples of water from the pond, while in river water bacillary form dominated. The obtained results indicate a significant fecal contamination of the river Konka. The excess in 2.1−2.7 times was observed in comparison with the control sample in the number of circle-shaped bacteria in samples of river water and in 3.7 times in the samples of water from the pond. The number of lactose-positive intestinal bacteria in water along the channel increased from 5 to 30 %. The microbiological monitoring of the ecological and sanitary state of water showed that, according to the indicators of the total microbial count, the water of the river Konka is in the category «polluted», and by the number of indicator microorganisms − in the category «very dirty». To assess the phytotoxicity of the water, the method of bioindication of the environment through the «growth test» is used. The main parameters for assessing the degree of toxicity of water were selected: seed germination energy of the tested object (%), length of the root and sprouts. The criterion of phytotoxicity was the proportion of reduction in the length of seedlings and roots of plants compared to control (gnotobiotic urban water). The inhibition of the seed germination energy and morphometric parameters (length of the hypocotyl and main root) of the test culture of Cucumis sativus L. and the growth of the phytotoxicity of water along the channel of the river Konka were noted. According to the results of the evaluation of the phytotoxic effect, it has been established that the level of inhibition of the growth processes of the phytometer Cucumis sativus L. determines the toxicity of water from examples № 1, 2 and 3 on a weak level, and the toxicity of water from the example № 4 corresponds to the average level. The growth of the phytotoxic effect of water along the channel of the river Konka can be explained by a decrease in the volume of water in these areas and an increase in the level of anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem, namely: usage of water for irrigation, cattle grazing, pollutants from land plots, pollution of river water by household waste. Consequently, the indicators of the phytotoxic effect of the water under investigation indicate an increase in total toxicity and a decrease in the quality of the river Konka water, alongside with the inhibition of growth and development of test plants due to the level of contamination by the pollutants. The obtained results can be used for further monitoring of the river Konka and for technological solutions for improving its ecological status. Изучено влияние антропогенной нагрузки на уровень фитотоксичности воды речки Конка (Пологовский район Запорожской области) как показателя ее экологического состояния. Проведенный микробиологический мониторинг эколого-санитарного состояния воды указывает, что по показателям общего микробного числа воды речки Конка относятся к категории «грязная», а по численности индикаторных микроорганизмов – к категории «очень грязная». Установлено снижение энергии проростания семян и морфометрических параметров тест-культуры Cucumis sativus L. и возрастание фитотоксичности воды вдоль русла р. Конка.
Authors and Affiliations
Костюченко Н. І. , Коваленко А. О. Kostyuchenko N. I. , Kovalenko A. O.
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