Republic of Moldova in the Context of Regional Security Challenges in Eastern Europe


This article analyzes the most current security issues for the Republic of Moldova that are part of the regional security context of Eastern Europe – the region that can be considered the epicenter of international tensions through which the„geopolitical line of fracture”passes. The geographical position of the Republic of Moldova makes this state particularly sensitive to any negative trends in theregion. Growing of international tensions creates security threats and complicates economic development. From a historical point of view, Moldova has repeatedly fallen victim by the confrontation of the great powers. Therefore, the Republic of Moldova has a vital interest in preventing a new conflict in Eastern Europe. This article is based on a number of assumptions made by changes in the European security environment, such as the „shift of weight” to the East, strategic uncertainty, increasing the role of non-state actors, the situation in eastern Ukraine, etc. Based on these assumptions, this article makes an attempt to outline the potential role of the Republic of Moldova in the Eastern European security system, taking into account the desideratum for integration of the republic into the European Union. Other relevant factors will be taken into account for shaping the role of the Republic of Moldova in the European security system, namely: the security deficit; the impact of NATO and EU security policy; the rebirth of the project to create a regional defense alliance, etc. This article will largely take into account the military aspects of security.

Authors and Affiliations

Stefan Tibuleac


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  • EP ID EP533069
  • DOI 10.31861/mhpi2018.37-38.281-286
  • Views 92
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How To Cite

Stefan Tibuleac (2018). Republic of Moldova in the Context of Regional Security Challenges in Eastern Europe. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 37(), 299-304.