Research of anthocyanins in red special wine “Nikala”
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 12
The article describes red special wines, surrounded by anthocyanins of grape skins and polyphenols from pits. The particular interest of consumers in red natural and special wines is growing daily due to their high content of bioflavonoids. The aim of our study was to study the anthocyan glycosides of the special “Nikala” wine, made from the color grape raw materials “Otshanuri Safere”, cultivated in the viticulture micro zone in the Imereti region. Red special wine contains anthocyanins 410.87 mg/dm3, of which 72.13% are monoglicosides, where the highest amount is Malvidin 41.04%. The special wine contains 13.40% of the diglicoside forms of anthocyanins, i.e. 64.37 mg/dm3. From the study of anthocyanins, it can be seen that in a special wine from the “Otskhanuri Safere” Malvidin diglicoside is 2.26%, i.e. 9.05 mg/dm3.
Authors and Affiliations
T. Gvinianidze, P. Chikovani, V. Mindeli, A. Metreveli
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