Researcher and Experiences of Adults in the Biographical Research Perspective

Journal Title: Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 4


Looking at today’s research practices applied in the area of social sciences one can notice a clear interest in biography. Observation of the lives of individuals, (re)cognition of social micro worlds from the perspective of individual biographies and analysis of and searching for meanings of individual life experiences are the subjects of great interest as well as confidence among researchers. It is also noticeable that researchers, with even greater attention and concern, contemplate the methodological legitimacy and correctness of the projects they carry out. This is especially important when there is a necessity to problematize and further specify the methodological identity of the biographical approach. This text is a voice in the discussion about the types and nature of the so-called biographical research conducted in the area of andragogy. Its starting point is viewing the research that uses biography through the lens of the biographical research perspective, which may adopt at least three forms: biographical approach, auto/ biographical approach and autobiographical approach. The considerations revolve around reflections about specifying the individual approaches in relation to certain research projects taking into account the specific role/roles played in them by the researcher-andragogue. The text also addresses the topic of understanding the research process from the perspective of the learning process. The reflections are based on the individual experiences of the researchers acquired during the project in which the auto/biographical approach was applied.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Golonka-Legut, Martyna Pryszmont-Ciesielska


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How To Cite

Joanna Golonka-Legut, Martyna Pryszmont-Ciesielska (2017). Researcher and Experiences of Adults in the Biographical Research Perspective. Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne, 1(4), 88-105.