Results of Ukrainian Architecture Study of Hetman Period


<div class="WordSection1"><p>The article is devoted to the results of the study of Architecture in Ukraine of XVII–XVIІI centuries, conducted over the last century. <strong>The relevance of the study</strong> is conditioned by the necessity of forming the history of the national architecture and monumentology on modern methodological principles, according to which all phenomena and processes of the corresponding age within the current territory of the state are studied, regardless of the ethnic, confessional or state origin of those or other phenomena and artifacts. <strong>The </strong><strong>main</strong> <strong>objective</strong><strong> of the study</strong> is to synthesize the results of the study of the historical and architectural process during the Hetmanate period, including clarifying the stages of the development of architecture; identification of regional peculiarities; the establishment of the role and place of the architectural heritage of the Hetmanate period in the further development of Ukrainian architecture and urbanism and its place in the context of the development of European architecture. <strong>The methodology</strong> <strong>of the research</strong> is to apply the methods of theoretical research, namely, the historical method in the systematic approach, when the object of study is the architecture of a certain period is considered in the occurrence and development. The system approach consists in complex studying of the object as a certain unity of the multi element system, for studying which methods of structural-genetic analysis and synthesis with decomposition of the system on the subsystems, which are studied autonomously, with their subsequent coordination, are applied. <strong>The scientific novelty</strong> consists in revealing the regularities of the formation and development of Ukraine's architecture of Hetmanate period, determining the nature and basic features of these processes, more thoroughly clarifying regional differences, defining the European and Eurasian context of the development of architecture in that time in Ukraine. <strong>The findings and conclusions of the study</strong> allow us to consider the architecture of Ukraine as an independent phenomenon, and not as a derivative of the architecture of the Moscow kingdom, the Russian Empire or the marginal phenomenon of the</p><p>Central European architectural process. The high level of self-sufficiency of Ukrainian architecture is proved on the basis of the development and transformation of autochthonous traditions and selective learning of the experience of other cultures. Examined in science are incorrect ideas about defining the dominant style of architecture as a baroque. The simultaneous existence of two stylistic currents, namely Baroque, Western origin, and Renaissance-Baroque synthesis, which became the result of the development of autochthonous architectural traditions, was proved.</p></div>

Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Vechersky


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  • EP ID EP575212
  • DOI 10.31866/2617-7943.1.2018.147573
  • Views 64
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How To Cite

Viktor Vechersky (2018). Results of Ukrainian Architecture Study of Hetman Period. Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Музеєзнавство і пам’яткознавство, 0(1), 84-102.