Retention of implant-supported crowns using implant luting agents compared to temporary cement

Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2016, Vol 66, Issue 3


Aim of the study. To compare the retention strength of implant-supported crowns using implant luting agents and temporary cement. The effect of the abutment surface modified with lubricant on the retention of implant cement was also assessed. Cements were arranged by a growing retention strength.Material and methods. Forty cobalt chromium copings in cylindrical shape were fabricated using the selective laser melting (SLM) technology. Standard titanium Ankylos (Dentsply Implants) abutments, 4.5mm wide x 6.0mm high, were used. Copings were luted with TempBond NE, Premier Implant® Cement, MIS Crown Set and after application of vaseline on the abutment surface for Premier Implant® Cement. After long-term (48h) storage in 0.9% NaCl samples were mounted in self-tightening handles of Zwick/Roell Z020 universal testing machine. Crosshead speed was 5mm/min. The dislodging force of the copings along the long axis of the implant-abutment complex was recorded.Results. Mean tensile forces needed to destroy the bond between cement-abutment interface were as follows: TempBond NE 118.53 ± 47.5 N, Premier Implant® Cement 243.45 ± 54.77 N, MIS Crown Set 227.60 ± 67.03 N, and Premier Implant® Cement with vaseline 82.80 ± 31.15 N.Conclusions. 1. Implant resin cements are over twofold more retentive than zinc-oxide temporary cement. 2. Application of vaseline decreases retention and increases standard deviation, thus decreasing predictability for implant cement. 3. The studies allowed for arranging cements from the least to the most retentive ones: implant resin cements with vaseline, zinc-oxide cement and implant resin cements without modifications.

Authors and Affiliations

Borys Tomikowski, Michał Krasowski, Karolina Kopacz, Magdalena Fronczek-Wojciechowska, Beata Dejak


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How To Cite

Borys Tomikowski, Michał Krasowski, Karolina Kopacz, Magdalena Fronczek-Wojciechowska, Beata Dejak (2016). Retention of implant-supported crowns using implant luting agents compared to temporary cement. Prosthodontics, 66(3), 200-207.