Implant prosthetic reconstruction of edentulous mandible: A case report

Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2016, Vol 66, Issue 6


The introduction of CAD/CAM technology makes it possible to produce prosthetic constructions with greater accuracy, to match the shape of the structures to individual anatomical conditions and to provide the control during their designing and production. The range of manufactured structures includes both customized individual abutments for single missing tooth, as well as extensive superstructure for prosthetic rehabilitation of totally edentate individuals. This article describes the re-reconstruction of the edentulous lower jaw using previously entered implants. The manufacture of titanium bridge frameworks was scheduled in the CAD/CAM technology using the Atlantis system (Dentsply, USA).

Authors and Affiliations

Bartosz Bujak, Marek Skrodzki


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How To Cite

Bartosz Bujak, Marek Skrodzki (2016). Implant prosthetic reconstruction of edentulous mandible: A case report. Prosthodontics, 66(6), 477-483.