Retrospective Study of VBAC in a Teaching Hospital
There is a rising trend in repeat caesarean section rates in the present day obstetrics. Objectives: To find out the various factors responsible for the success of VBAC and its impact on maternal and perinatal outcome. Material and Methods: In this retrospective study 147 pregnant women at term with one previous low transverse caesarean section without any antenatal complications that were given trial of labour in Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya was studied during June 2011 to March 2012. Various factors like maternal age, parity, prior obstetric outcome, mode of delivery, Inter-delivery interval, bishops score and neonatal weight were analyzed. Maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality were also analyzed. Results: There were total of 147 cases with one previous transverse caesarean section in the study, total number of VBAC was 116(78.9%) and failed trial of scar were 31(21.1%). Prior history of vaginal delivery before and after caesarean and bishops score of more than 7 were important predictors for success of VBAC. Average birth weight was about 3-3.5kg. There were 2 cases of perinatal mortality and no cases of maternal mortality. Conclusion: Success rate of VBAC was 78.9% in the present study. Trial of vaginal delivery must be encouraged in all patients with one previous low-transverse caesarean section after full discussion and disclosure of the possible complications, provided no obststetric contraindications exist.
Authors and Affiliations
Manohar R , Kavyashree G
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