Retrospektywna analiza przypadków reoperacji w stapedotomiach i stapedektomiach – doświadczenia własne

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 4


Aim. Analysis of indications for stapes revision surgery in patients qualified for the secondary procedure at the Otosurgery Dept. Medical University of Lodz. Material and methods. 25 cases of stapes revision surgery out of the 385 total treated surgically otosclerosis cases are discussed. Results. In group A (patients after total stapedectomy) the following indications for the secondary surgical procedure were observed: 12 cases – platinum wire prosthesis displacement with ossicular chain discontinuity; 3 cases – perichondrium or adipose tissue atrophy; 2 cases of incudo-stapedial joint luxation. Group B was composed of 8 patients after stapedotomy (tefl on piston operation, 0.6 mm). Conclusions. 1. The most common indication for the stapes revision surgery in patients after total stapedectomy were prosthesis displacement and necrosis of the long crus of the incus. 2. Obliteration of the stapes footplate after small fenestra operation was observed in our material to be the most frequent indication for the secondary stapes procedure.

Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Durko, Tomasz Durko, Anna Pajor, Ramzes Stańczyk, Wioletta Pietruszewska, Katarzyna Starska, Andrzej Jankowski


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How To Cite

Marcin Durko, Tomasz Durko, Anna Pajor, Ramzes Stańczyk, Wioletta Pietruszewska, Katarzyna Starska, Andrzej Jankowski (2008). Retrospektywna analiza przypadków reoperacji w stapedotomiach i stapedektomiach – doświadczenia własne. Otolaryngologia Polska, 62(4), 468-470.