Revoluție, teroare și dezinformare. Cluj-Napoca – Decembrie 1989
Journal Title: Anuarul Institutului Revoluției Române din Decembrie 1989 - Year 2023, Vol 1, Issue 1
As an internal revolt was looming large, considering the living conditions, the political and military, as well as the “intelligence” elite of socialist Romania refused to accept the new realities. Despite all the signals received through various political-diplomatic formulae and more, the perception of the Western diplomatic chancelleries and of the Warsaw Treaty member states was the same: in Bucharest, no one can, no one tries or, in fact, wants to change something. The conduct of the power structures (the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Department of State Security) following December 16, 1989 entirely validates this belief, which is prevalent in the diplomatic circles across the globe. Under the guise of an external threat, more assumed than substantiated, the socialist regime’s power structures in Romania resorted to gunfire, arrests, and the mistreatment of Romanian citizens who were protesting against Nicolae Ceaușescu and his political regime
Authors and Affiliations
Constantin Corneanu
The evolution of bilateral relation between Romania and Vietnam in the period after the Romanian Revolution of December 1989
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Un valoros și util instrument de lucru pentru cercetători și pasionați de istorie: „Dan Vătăman (coordonator) – Institutul Revoluţiei Române din Decembrie 1989 la ceas aniversar: 20 de ani de realizări în activitatea editorială: 2004-2024”
Dan Vătăman (coordonator), Institutul Revoluţiei Române din Decembrie 1989 la ceas aniversar: 20 de ani de realizări în activitatea editorială: 2004- 2024, București, Editura Institutului Revoluției Române din Decemb...
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