Richness fruits of kinds genus Rhus L. In the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe zone of Ukraine
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2
In introductive work the special place is given to studying of morphological peculiarities of fruits and seeds, because they are separate link in the generation changing of plants-introducents during their acclimatization. The aim of our work is the exposure of morphological peculiarities of fruits and seeds species of genus Rhus L., their bearing qualities and research of bearing fruits intensiveness in conditions of Right Bank Steppe-forest Zone of Ukraine. Researches were done during 2009 – 2016 years in conditions of National Dendrological park «Sofiyivka» NAS of Ukraine of Ukraine. The seeds of Rhus typhina L., Rhus typhina ‘Laciniata’, Rhus glabra L., Rhus aromatica Ail., Rhus trilobata Nutt., Rhus sylvestris Sieb. et. Zucc, Rhus potanini Maxim. were the material for researches. The research was adopted due to methodical recommendations on propagation of tree decorative plants of Botanical garden National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, the preparations of acetocarmine were made in accordance of method after R. Snow. During experiments and analysis of their results we took into account meteorological exponents due to data of Uman hydrometeorological station. As a result of managed researches we found out 3 groups of fruits and seeds of studied kinds on basis of morphological analysis. We characterized their thickness, level of blossoming and bearing fruits in conditions of introduction which gets 5 – 4 points every year in R. typhina and R. typhina ‘Laciniata’ and it means the nigh level, in R. glabra the richness of blossoming is marked in 4 points every year, and bearing fruits is zero, excepting 2010 year – with 4 points of bearing fruits and high level. We desposed that weather conditions during blooming and initial phases of fruits forming and seeds influence on their quality. By experimental method we have researched good quality of fruits and seeds. On basis of our own researches and their results we found out that in one inflorescence is 45,06±22,64items of viable seeds in R. typhina, in R. typhina ‘Laciniata’ – 87,68±65,75 items, in R. glabra – 108,10±8,13 items in conditions of Right Bank Steppe-forest Zone of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Т. Д. Ковальчук
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