Risk management and analysis of the activities of foreign economic entities by customs authorities of the EU countries
Journal Title: Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки. - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue
The article reveals peculiarities of customs risk management process in the EU in the aspect of analysis of foreign activities of economic entities. In particular, the process of customs risk management includes the following steps: establishing strategic, organizational and management principles, analysis and risk assessment, risk treatment, monitoring. The basis of the risk system is the analysis of risk indicators of foreign economic activity of entities. Among key indicators we can highlight the next: frequency and volume of declaration of goods by entities engaged in the foreign economic activities; dynamics of the ratio declaration of customs value and customs duties; declaration of goods, which belong to groups of products with significant differentiation of rates of duties or originate from countries with customs preferences; mode and route of goods delivery; the time interval and consistency of places of customs clearance; changing suppliers, country of origin, classification of goods by entities engaged in the foreign economic activities and others. Current trends of customs risk analysis are paying increasing attention to modeling of the goods supply chain, research of information and indexes of foreign entities activity related to revealed facts of irregularities and facts that may indicate possible non-compliance of rules of crossing the goods through the border.
Authors and Affiliations
Yuriy Medvid
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