Risk Management Software Development, Subject to the Limited Funds Allocated to the Elimination of Security Errors


The conducted researches showed that risk management of software development consists in the early detection of financial, technical, psychological and other related risks. hazards, and taking measures to reduce the risk by deliberately changing these factors, taking into account the effectiveness of the measures taken. Risk management software development includes a system of measures that are carried out both to the occurrence of a negative event and after its implementation. However, as studies have shown, preventive analysis and taking into account the majority of possible operational errors will reduce financial and other issues. expenses in the life cycle of software development. The purpose of the work is to develop a method for managing the risks of software development, provided that the funds allocated to eliminate security errors are limited. In this paper, the problem of risk management of software development on the condition of limited funds (financial, technical, etc.), allocated for the elimination of security errors, is considered as a semi-Markov decision making model for a managed process in a continuous time with a criterion for minimizing the cost of eliminating anomalies. To solve the problem, we propose a method for managing the risks of software development, which differs from the known use of pseudo-Boolean methods of bivalent programming with a nonlinear target function and linear constraints to determine the optimal strategy for eliminating operational errors. As an example, situations of software security error occurrence are considered and an optimal management strategy is identified for eliminating this abnormal situation. The conducted studies have shown that the theoretical positions used in this paper adequately reflect the standards and capabilities of modern software testing methods. It should be noted that the method presented in the work should be used not only in the management of software security risks, but also in functional, load, stress and other types of testing to prevent possible costs.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Kovalenko


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  • EP ID EP509203
  • DOI 10.32515/2409-9392.2018.31.128-140
  • Views 43
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How To Cite

Oleksandr Kovalenko (2018). Risk Management Software Development, Subject to the Limited Funds Allocated to the Elimination of Security Errors. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки, 31(), 128-140. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-509203