Risk of sexual abuse of minors and combating this phenomenon with special activities conducted by the Police
Journal Title: Security Dimensions - Year 2012, Vol 8, Issue 8
Sexual abuse of children has been committed for a long time. However, only a few years ago, it stopped being a taboo and has been the area of interest of the general public, the subject of research, studies, publications, films and documentaries. This phenomenon is outrageous for socjety, which makes it much more of an unterest of the government, as well as local authorities and non-governmental organizations which, within their capabilities and competencies, make various kinds of actions. Sexual violence commited against children and adolescents occurs in every social group, not just in dysfunctional families. Disclosure of sexual abuse cases against children is one of the most difficult tasks that the Police is facing right now. The diverse actions taken by the Police, non-governmental organizations and other institutions have given great results and are raising the need to report crimes of sexual nature, particularly when the victims of such crimes are the minors.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Czop, Jacek Gałuszka
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