Рижій ярий як перспективна олійна культура на ринку хрестоцвітих олійних рослин України / Camelina sativa as advanced culture in the market of oil cruciferous plants in Ukraine
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
The results of researches carried out at the Precarpathian State Agricultural Research Station during 2015–2017 in the technological experiment on sod-podzolic soils, on the study of rational technology for the cultivation of spring cruciferous crops (spring rape, mustard gray and white, camelina sativa) on productivity and respectively economic efficiency of growing crop data. The dependence of the elements of the performance and yield on crops. Established that among spring cabbage plants was different seed productivity and therefore was the difference in the cost of performance and profitability of seeds.As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the highest yield of seeds among the spring cabbage crops was in the spring rape, but the oil content in the camelina sativa seed was 46,63 %, which is 4,06 % more than rape. Therefore, the yield of oil from the harvest of camelina sativa seed was almost identical to that of rape.The best indicators of economic efficiency, including the cost of the yield – 19320 UAH. Marked for growing camelina sativa. Profit and cost in this case amounted to 9567 UAH/ha and 5694 UAH/t. Calculations show that a high level of profitability in growing camelina sativa vulture on seeds, and amounted to 98,1 %. The lowest level of profitability was noted at growing white mustard, which was 56,5 %.
Authors and Affiliations
Ya. Hryhoriv
Ефективність сумісного застосування фунгіцидів і азотних добрив для захисту пшениці озимої від хвороб в умовах Північного Лісостепу / Effectiveness of combined application of fungicides and nitrogen fertilizers for the protection of winter wheat against diseases in the conditions of Northern Forest-Steppe
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