Robert Alexy’s philosophy of law
Journal Title: Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 28
The article analyzes the main provisions of the Robert Alexy’s philosophy of law as an integrated system, which at the same time remains open for further expansion of meanings. It demonstrates how the main motive of the Alexy’s philosophy of law – «the institutionalization of reason» as a combination of real and ideal dimensions of law in the institutions of liberal democracy – series takes place in the three components of his philosophicallegal system: the theory of legal argumentation, the theory of constitutional rights and non-positivistic concept of law. Alexy’s non-positivist theory of law is based on the premise that there is a necessary link between the legal validity, or legal correctness, on the one hand, and moral acceptability or moral correctness on the other. This relationship is based on the dual nature of law: it has the actual dimension, defined by the authority and social efficiency, and ideal dimension that is moral correctness. The actual dimension of law is based on the need to ensure legal certainty and legal effectiveness. The argument from the ideal dimension of law is that the law imposes the claim to correctness. According to Alexy normative judgment is correct if and only if it is the result of rational practical discourse. Terms of discursive rationality determined through the principles, rules and forms of general practical discourse. Its procedural core makes up the rules guaranteeing the freedom and equality in the discourse, giving everyone the right to participate in it and the right to ask questions, and defend any point of view. The fact that the rules of discourse express the value of freedom and equality is the basis for the justification of human rights. This means that human rights are discursively necessary, and their objection is discursively impossible. Two dimensions of law are combined in an inclusive (soft) non-positivism, which claims that the moral defects deny the validity only if the limit of extreme injustice broken. Procedural aspects of connections positivity and correctness are realized in the form of democratic or discursive, constitutionalism, the main elements of which – democracy and constitutional rights
Authors and Affiliations
С. Максимов
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