Rokosz Zebrzydowskiego — element antysystemu ustrojowego czy nieudana rewolucja?

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2017, Vol 141, Issue 4


The rokosz (the noble raising) as a constitutional institution was already known during the Third Free Election in 1587. It was then thought that the rokosz could be proclaimed in both the interregnum and the regnum. The aim of rokosz was to punish or, at least, admonish the King and Senators if they had not obeyed state law. It was also empowered to correct the malfunctioning laws. At the beginning of Sigismund III’s reign illegal conventions were often held without the King’s consent. They paved the way for Zebrzydowski’s rebellion. The first assembly, held in April 1606 in Stężyca, already had a revolutionary nature, because it was convened during the parliamentary session. The rokosz, covering theoretically all szlachta i.e. all the citizens, ranked above the Sejm, the King, and the Senators. So it was not only a new institution, being an element of the constitutional antisystem, but a revolutionary institution.

Authors and Affiliations

Edward Opaliński


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How To Cite

Edward Opaliński (2017). Rokosz Zebrzydowskiego — element antysystemu ustrojowego czy nieudana rewolucja?. PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY, 141(4), 53-69.