
У статті проаналізована роль етнокультурних та етноконфесійних чинників у формуванні ціннісних орієнтацій населення сучасного українського Приазов’я. Розглянуті етнонаціональні угрупування регіону, історичні, економічні та політичні обставини, що сприяли їх створенню і формуванню сучасно норм поведінки та ціннісних орієнтацій, тобто сучасного рівня культури спільноти. Автор, на підставі проведених досліджень, приходить висновку, що: соціальні перетворення, які сьогодні відбуваються у світі в цілому, і в Україні зокрема, викликають неоднозначні відносини у різних регіонах України, які залежать від етнонаціонального складу населення, їхніх ціннісних орієнтацій та настанов. In the article the author analyzes the role of ethno - cultural and ethno - confessional factors in forming the valued orientations of the population of modern Ukrainian Azov region. The author considers the ethnos of national group mends of the region, historical, economic and political circumstances that assisted their creation and forming of modern codes of conduct and allied orientations, modern level of culture of association. From the point of view of the author, economic, social and political processes formed a "new" man with his modern valued orientations and discipline. Some loss of spirituality took place in the total. Religion stepped back to the second plan, though the number of cult buildings increased. The article considers today's young generation as the most important. There is "materialization" in understanding: in the questionnaires modern students take away a question in relation to the material of the first plan. A generation differs from a generation in the valued orientations and discipline. Yet, the requirements of time bring up a new, something there served existence. Every group wants independence, beginning from a little group, a family and ending with greater group mends. However, here, the author considers, is a substantial difference of "our" habitants from "theirs" (West-European). Consciousness of "our" habitants, in the first turn, sends to satisfaction of the material welfares, and "theirs" – to the quality of this blessing. As the American political scientist and sociologist R. Іnglеhаrt asserts, in public consciousness of the population of the developed western countries slow (but irreversible) changes in the system of values from priorities take place; that concerns traditions, respect to power and material welfare towards the values of independence and emancipation of personality, personal pleasure, and self-affirmation. It takes place due to certain attractiveness, prestige, authority of concrete personality standards of cultural consumption. The valued priorities change in society; the transition originates from the priority of values of "materialism" to the priority of values of "post-materialism". Under the values of "materialism», he means the preferences in relation to physical and psychological safety and welfare and under the values of "post-materialism" there are independences to the group, and quality of life. The period of the radical change of values and discipline came exactly for young people. It is caused by the processes of globalization, and first of all, by cultural processes. There is, so to say, the appearance of new "socialization of globalization", that combines the standards of cultural consumption with "theirs". As the researches show, the new cohort of population that changed sufficiently in the short interval of time and changed the valued priorities is created today. It appeared from the valued orientations and discipline of the parents, but did not yet "join" the "postmodern", and is somewhere on the "way". The author, on the basis of undertaken studies, comes to the conclusion, that social transformations that take place in the world on the whole today and in Ukraine in particular, cause ambiguous relations in different regions of Ukraine; they depend on ethnos of national composition of the population, their valued orientations and discipline.

Authors and Affiliations

Богдан Васильович Слющинський


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Богдан Васильович Слющинський (2018). РОЛЬ ЕТНОКУЛЬТУРНИХ ТА ЕТНОКОНФЕСІЙНИХ ЧИННИКІВ У ФОРМУВАННІ ЦІННІСНИХ ОРІЄНТАЦІЙ НАСЕЛЕННЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО ПРИАЗОВ’Я. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 8(15), 119-127. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-555196