Роль менеджменту в діяльності підприємства


У статті розглянута та проаналізована сутність фінансового менеджменту. На схемах відображенінапрямки діяльності фінансового менеджера, організаційнаструктура фінансової служби підприємства. Також проаналізований середній показник заробітної плати фінансового менеджера в Україні в 2017-2018 роках. Була побудованата проаналізованадіаграма. На основі даного дослідження зроблено висновок та надано цінні рекомендації. The essence of financial management is considered and analyzed in the article. The schemes reflect the activities of the financial manager, the organizational structure of the financial service of the enterprise. Also, the average wage index of a financial manager in Ukraine in 2017-2018 is analyzed. A chart was constructed and analyzed. Based on this study, a conclusion was made and valuable recommendations were provided. The company's financial management system includes the adoption of financial decisions on the management of financial resources of the enterprise, as well as financial relations that arise in the process of movement of financial resources. The activities of the financial manager cover all types of activities of the enterprise - operational, financial and investment. Modern management is very different from traditional management. Thus, traditional management comes from the presentation of the management process in the form of management implementation of a number of functions, including planning, organization, coordination, activation and control. The organizational model of the financial service of small enterprises is rather simplistic. The role of a financial director in small businesses is usually performed by a chief accountant. For large enterprises, the most characteristic is the allocation of special services of financial management. The guiding principle of financial managers is the exclusivity of the firm's interests. The ultimate financial goals determine the entire policy of interaction of employees of the enterprise. Position financial manager is quite popular in Ukraine, but since 2017 the average wage has fallen. Based on the practical experience of domestic enterprises, it can be concluded that during the formation of financial management at the enterprise, first of all, it is necessary to install internal management.

Authors and Affiliations

K. C. Kolesnikova, V. A. Chabarov, I. V. Paschenko


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How To Cite

K. C. Kolesnikova, V. A. Chabarov, I. V. Paschenko (2018). Роль менеджменту в діяльності підприємства. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 8(15), 27-36. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-524354