Rola autorytetu nauczyciela domowego w kształtowaniu kompetencji komunikacyjnej arystokraty w I połowie XIX wieku na przykładzie „Dziennika nauczyciela domowego” z lat 1814–1823 Juliana Antonowicza
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue
The aim of the article is an attempt to indicate the role of home teachers in shaping communicative competence of aristocracy during the era of partitions. The article is based on the handwritten journal of a home teacher Julian Antonowicz (1750–1824) who was a tutor of Jan Bogdan Tarnowski (1805–1850). The article emphasizes the importance of the teacher’s authority in the system of homeschooling. It also shows the source of this authority on the example of Julian Antonowicz and his literary production. The authority is considered to be crucial in shaping the communicative competence of the young aristocrat. The article presents the text ways to strengthen the authority of the teacher present in ‘The journal of a home teacher’. The article also presents the direct evidence of forming the communicative competence of a young Count by the teacher. Observations of using the language by the home teacher and his attention to proper use of language by a young aristocrat illustrate the linguistic and habitual issue which is the role of authority in the functioning of the community and its influence on the formation and dissemination patterns of language behavior.
Authors and Affiliations
Irmina Kotlarska
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