Rola i zadania IFOR w świetle porozumienia z Dayton
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2011, Vol 2011, Issue 1
The author presents an abridged version of the IFOR troops' participation in peacekeeping mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1995-1996. In addition, he sys- temizes earlier knowledge included in books and Internet materials issued before. Being aware of the scarcity of books on that subject, he concentrates mainly on materials published on the Internet, such as original documents in English. In a concise way he outlines events preceding IFOR deployment to Bosnia-Herzegovina and features examples of the UN troops' helplessness in that time. He also quotes documents that enabled IFOR troops' (Polish ones including) participation in Bosnia-Herzegovina mission and defines the force's tasks during the mission operation. He describes main operational tasks, the organizational ones regarding the structure, deployment location and equipment of the Polish troops. Additionally, he underlines the geographical, social, national conditions in which the Polish soldiers operated. The author does not only focus on the Polish unit's participation in the mission. He also briefly presents NATO troops' tasks stressing multinational character of the IFOR mis¬sion. He proves that passing that multinational examination was the biggest victory of NATO soldiers, the Polish ones including, in that mission.
Authors and Affiliations
Cezary Pędzik
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