Rola kultu Świętej Jadwigi Śląskiej w nawiązaniu partnerstwa między miastami Trzebnicą a Kitzingen
Journal Title: Studia Salvatoriana Polonica - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue
On the 6th of July 2009, in the city hall of Kitzingen, Marek Długozima, Mayor of the municipality of Trzebnica, and Siegfried Müller, Mayor of Kitzingen signed a document of historical significance, establishing partnership between Trzebnica and Kitzingen. Several distinct highlights across the biography of Saint Jadwiga have served as proof of the Duchess' connection to both the Polish and the German cities. Furthermore, the article describes the extent of the influence the spiritual heritage of the Duchess had on the process of reconciliation between the two nations and how it has facilitated the establishing of the partnership between the two cities later on. The document provides a characteristic of the current extent of the cooperation between Kitzingen and Trzebnica, emphasizing the cult and counsel of St. Jadwiga of Silesia.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Aureliusz Dłogozima
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