Rola prawa i prawników w mediacjach rodzinnych
Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 32
The article discusses the role of law and lawyers in family mediations. One of the basic issues everyone has to realize while thinking about this matter is that substantive law does not have great impact on decision-making in mediation. It can be considered in evaluative mediation but other than that it rarely plays a key role in finding the final solution. On the contrary, procedural rules have greater meaning. Certain issues such as enforcement of an agreement, a court-related mediation, qualifications, rights and duties of mediators, range of disputes that can be resolved in mediation in a binding way should be regulated to ensure the right course and effectiveness of this ADR method. The article also describes whether lawyers should be involved in a mediation process or not and what kind of role they can play in it. For example, a lawyer can be a mediator or an attorney, he may represent or only advise clients about mediation or specific legal aspects of a dispute. Finally, he can prepare an agreement, which is the most wanted engagement of lawyers in mediation. Summarizing, mediation gives new opportunities to lawyers but also needs some adjustment from the normal positions and acts they take in their professional business.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Skibińska
Zaświadczenie wojewódzkiej komisji ds. orzekania o zdarzeniach medycznych jako tytuł wykonawczy – glosa aprobująca do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Lublinie z 13.11.2016 r. (I ACa 186/16)
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