Rola zespołu interdyscyplinarnego w diagnostyce i leczeniu chorych z nowotworami krtani i gardła dolnego
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 4
Introduction: In Poland the annual incidence of cancer of the larynx is about 3,000 cases which accounts 2% of all malignant tumors. Results of treatment of head and neck cancers are still unsatisfactory (five-year survival – 50%). In order to improve the outcome in Greater Poland Cancer Centre in 2010 a multidisciplinary team was created which is involved in the individual qualification of each patient to the best form of therapy. Aim: The aim of the publication is to evaluate the work of the multidisciplinary team in the diagnostic, therapeutic, and post-operative follow-up of patients with larynx and hypopharynx cancer treated in Greater Poland Cancer Centre in 2007–2012. Materials and methods: The analysis included 558 patients (84% men, 16% women) aged 38–82 years who were treated in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery Greater Poland Cancer Centre in the years 2007 to 2012 because of cancer of larynx and hypopharynx. Patients were divided into two groups – the first consisted of patients qualified without the cooperation of the multidisciplinary team – 312 patients (56%), the second – patients qualified with help of the multidisciplinary team – 246 patients (44%). In the two groups of patients evaluated were: mean time required for the implementation of additional tests and specialist consultations before treatment, the average time from the appearance of the patient to the start of treatment, the distribution of qualifications to specific forms of therapy. Results: Evaluating type of treatment administered after the establishment of the team noticed were an increase by 11% the number of patients treated with surgery. There has been a reduction in the time between the appearance of the patient at the clinic and the start of treatment and reduce the waiting time for diagnostic imaging and specialist consultations. It was also an increase in the number of regular checkups and a decrease in the number of patients who stopped visits. Conclusion: The work of the multidisciplinary team improve s the effectiveness of trea tment by optimizi ng the process of preparation and organizati on, and fi nally by contributing knowledge and experience in decision-ma king. His creation results in benefi ts for the pati ent, his family and the medica l staff. Qualifi cation for the most optimal treatment within the multidisc iplinary team should be used in all patients with cancer of the head and neck.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Golusiński, Marcin Sówka, Renata Uczułka, Ewelina Golusińska, Hubert Kardach, Anna Wegner, Jakub Pazdrowski
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