Role Based Multi-Agent System for E-Learning (MASeL)
Journal Title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 3
Software agents are autonomous entities that can interact intelligently with other agents as well as their environment in order to carry out a specific task. We have proposed a role-based multi-agent system for e-learning. This multi-agent system is based on Agent-Group-Role (AGR) method. As a multi-agent system is distributed, ensuring correctness is an important issue. We have formally modeled our role-based multi-agent system. The correctness properties of liveness and safety are specified as well as verified. Timed-automata based model checker UPPAAL is used for the specification as well as verification of the e-learning system. This results in a formally specified and verified model of the role-based multi-agent system.
Authors and Affiliations
Mustafa Hameed, Nadeem Akhtar, Malik Missen
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