Role of Academic Leadership in Bringing about a Transformational Change in the Organizational Behavior of Hei's in India


This study reviews the current scenario of higher education in India and the need to bring about a qualitative change in Higher Educational Institutions HEIs . As HEIs have become more accountable to stakeholders, they need to be pro active in bringing change to sustain the existing international competition. The major responsibility, of bringing about this qualitative change in the HEIs, lies upon its academic leaders. However, academic leaders face a number of challenges in initiating this change. Thus, this study intends to propose Heifetz's adaptive leadership model, which could be adopted by the academic leaders, as the primary process for initiating the required change. In keeping with the above, a few academic leaders from HEIs in Pune were interviewed to determine how they Conceptualize leadership and see themselves in leadership roles. Effect leadership and institutional change in the areas of faculty development, students' development, education programmes, external relations and internal operations and the challenges there in. Could apply the Heifetz's Adaptive Leadership Model as a primary process for initiating change in order to mellow down the challenges faced by the academic leaders in bringing about the institutional change. Dr. Shalaka Parker | Prof. Mrs. Viral S Ahire "Role of Academic Leadership in Bringing about a Transformational Change in the Organizational Behavior of Hei's in India" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL: URL:

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  • EP ID EP630239
  • DOI 10.31142/ijtsrd26598
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How To Cite

(2019). Role of Academic Leadership in Bringing about a Transformational Change in the Organizational Behavior of Hei's in India. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3(5), 2300-2305.