Role of EU funds in the development of Polish companies

Journal Title: Współczesna Gospodarka - Year 2014, Vol 5, Issue 1


With main mechanism of stimulating the trade boom, at present in our country, should be projects financed from European Union funds. Therefore for Poland, at the beginning of the consecutive programming period, an optimal use is an important challenge coming from budget the EU of the stream of financial means – it should assure lasted and sustainable development. We must increase the competitiveness of our economy on the global market through the systematic process of raising the competitive edge of Polish enterprises on the European market. It is result of functioning in the era of the forming of the economy based on the knowledge which is forcing us into pointing the principal funding stream to such scientific areas which permanently are cooperating with the economy and will be responsible for the faster economic development of the country. Exactly enterprises which in the 21st century, in relation to permanent turbulences of the global environment, must aspire to the constant development based on the available resources are chief players of this process.

Authors and Affiliations

Michał Igielski


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How To Cite

Michał Igielski (2014). Role of EU funds in the development of Polish companies. Współczesna Gospodarka, 5(1), 27-36.