Role of non-collagenous proteins for dentine formation and mineralization. Part 2. II DMP1 and DSPP from SIBLING family in dentinogenesis
Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2017, Vol 67, Issue 3
Molecular analysis of dentine formation and mineralization indicates the key role of SIBLING (Smal Integrin-Binding Ligand) proteins, which involves both temporal and spatial control of signaling processes as well as the direct implication of these proteins in the physical formation of the extracellular matrix of dentine. The SIBLING family consists of six proteins encoded in humans on the long arm of the chromosome 4q. The SIBLING family members are: dentine sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), bone sialoprotein (BSP), dentine matrix protein-1 (DMP1), osteopontin (OPN), matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE) and enamelin (ENAM). Analysis of sequences of the SIBLINGs’ genes, confirmed their origin from the same ancient gene, which was replicated in the process of evolution. Despite the similarity of their molecular structure, SIBLING proteins show different biochemical properties. This paper is focused on the DSPP and DMP1 proteins, which seem to be the most important factors for dentine mineralization. It has been proved by the fact that mutations in the DSPP sequence result in a significant failure of dentine mineralization manifested by phenotype of dentinogenesis imperfecta type II and/or dentine dysplasia type II. Eventually, it leads to the early loss of both deciduous and permanent teeth. Similarly, the complete or partial lack of DMP1 expression results in disorders in dentine formation and mineralization.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Klimaszewska, Iwona Ordyniec-Kwaśnica, Monika Sakowicz-Burkiewicz, Izabela Maciejewska
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