Role of nongovernmental organizations as exemplified by Carp Valley Association


Tourism belongs to the leading economic sectors in Poland. As a result, tourist management, communication accessibility or functioning of numerous tourist values are changing. The development of tourism would have been impossible without cooperation of local self-governments, local communities or nongovernmental organizations. The effect of joint efforts can be development of entrepreneurship, promotion or tourist initiatives. The aim of this publication was to present tourist activities of nongovernmental organizations located in the area of the Carp Valley. The most significant ideas, initiatives and tourist events were illustrated. In the work notable historical roots of the Carp Valley were presented as well as its growth in time. Localization, components and development potential of the studied area was depicted. Activities of nongovernmental organizations within the area of the Carp Valley were analysed. The positive impact of Local Activity Group (LGD) Carp Valley Association as the organization coordinating operations within the scope of entrepreneurship and promotion was shown. The most remarkable accomplishments and successes in this field were presented. The thesis put forward in the article was the assumption that the operation of LGD Carp Valley Association constitutes a significant stimulus in development of tourism with the area of the Carp Valley. The work was written with the use of materials contained in books, magazines as well as netographic information and personal contacts with representatives of LGD Carp Valley Association. The research method applied in the publication is literature criticism and telephone interview with em¬ployees of the Said association. The research findings positively verify the formulated thesis that nongovernmental organizations positively influence the situation and development of tourism.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Sala


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How To Cite

Krzysztof Sala (2018). Role of nongovernmental organizations as exemplified by Carp Valley Association. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 37(1), 135-146.