Roles of school health nurses in children with inculisive education

Journal Title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 1


A child with a special needs is defined as a child who for a variety of reasons has individual and developmental characteristics and educational qualifications that differ significantly from the level expected from their peers. Physical, emotional, social and educational needs of children with special needs differ according to their healthy peers. One of the educational services for children with special needs is integration education. The children who continuing integration education may have difficulty doing their physical needs, such as defecation at school, movement needs, going to school , stepping stairs, and taking  daily medicine by himself/herself. They  can also experience problems in meeting psycho-social needs such as communicating with friends and teachers, participating in social activities in school and spending time with their peers. Parents of this kind of children often have problems as, unable to take their own special time, and isolation from social environment, which can reduce the quality of  life of parents. Meeting the needs of these children and their families is one of the important roles of the school health nurse. The school health nurse has roles to be caring, educating, researching, counseling, decision making, protective and defensive. It is important for nurses to meet the care needs of children and their families who need special care, to reduce the care responsibilities of families, and to increase the quality of life for the children and the parents. In this review, the needs of inclusive children and their families  and the role of the school health nurse have been addressed.

Authors and Affiliations

Selverhan Yurttutan, Naime Altay


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  • EP ID EP423484
  • DOI 10.16899/gopctd.414720
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How To Cite

Selverhan Yurttutan, Naime Altay (2018). Roles of school health nurses in children with inculisive education. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE, 8(1), 78-84.